# Changelog Source: https://docs.fireflies.ai/additional-info/change-log Recent updates to the Fireflies API ## Overview This document maintains a chronologically ordered list of notable changes for each version of the Fireflies API. It's designed to make it easier for you to keep track of new features, improvements, and bug fixes. ### 2.4.1 Made improvements to the performance and stability of the Fireflies API. ### 2.4.0 Added `mine` field to [Transcripts](/graphql-api/query/transcripts) query Added breaking changes to [Transcripts](/graphql-api/query/transcripts) query that allows you to only use one of the following fields: `organizer_email`, `participant_email`, `user_id`, `mine` at a time ### 2.3.17 Added `meeting_link` field to [Transcript](/schema/transcript) schema ### 2.3.16 Added `apps` query to fetch AI App Outputs. For more details, view [Apps](/graphql-api/query/apps) ### 2.3.15 Fixed bug in `transcripts` query where it was not returning the correct match. ### 2.3.14 Added support for webhook auth. For more details, view the [Webhooks](/graphql-api/webhooks) page ### 2.3.13 Added new fields to summary to [Summary](/schema/summary) schema ### 2.3.12 Added fields `cal_id` and `calendar_type` to [Transcript](/schema/transcript) schema ### 2.3.11 Fixed bug in `transcript.sentences` query where it was incorrectly returning null Made improvements to the performance and stability of the Fireflies API. ### 2.3.10 Added field `attendees` to [addToLive](/graphql-api/mutation/add-to-live) mutation ### 2.3.9 Added field `meeting_info` for meeting metadata. Updated `uploadAudio` mutation to allow saving video ### 2.3.8 Added field `speakers` in transcript. Updated docs to include error codes and their explanations. View details [here](/miscellaneous/error-codes) ### 2.3.7 Added new fields for `transcript.summary`. View details on the [Summary](/schema/summary) schema page ### 2.3.6 Updated docs for webhooks to include webhook schema Added `client_reference_id` field for audio upload ### 2.3.5 Added argument `custom_language` for `uploadAudio`. ### 2.3.4 Added query argument `fromDate` and `toDate` for `transcripts`. View more details [here](/graphql-api/query/transcripts). Field `date` has been deprecated in favor of these arguments ### 2.3.3 Added mutation for `addToLiveMeeting`. View more details [here](/graphql-api/mutation/add-to-live) ### 2.3.2 Made improvements to the performance and stability of the Fireflies API. ### 2.3.1 Added field `calendar_id`. This field represents calId for google calendar and iCalUID for outlook calendar. For more details, view [Transcript](/schema/transcript) ### 2.3.0 Added queries for [Transcript Summary](/schema/summary). For more details, view [Summary](/schema/summary) schema and [Transcript](/schema/transcript) schema ### 2.2.0 Added queries for [bites](/graphql-api/query/bites) and [bite](/graphql-api/query/bite). For more details, view [Bites](/schema/bite) schema Added mutation for Create Bite that allows you to progmatically create bites. For more details, view [CreateBite](/graphql-api/mutation/create-bite) mutation ### 2.1.1 Fixed bugs in [Transcripts](/graphql-api/query/transcripts) query ### 2.1.0 Added `video_url` field for [Transcript](schema/transcript) schema ### 2.0.7 Made improvements to the performance and stability of the Fireflies API. ### 2.0.6 Made improvements to the performance and stability of the Fireflies API. ### 2.0.5 Fixed bug in in [Transcripts](graphql-api/query/transcripts) query for `fireflies_users` field ### 2.0.4 Fixed bug in in [Transcripts](graphql-api/query/transcripts) query for `audio_url` field ### 2.0.3 Made improvements to the performance and stability of the Fireflies API. ### 2.0.2 Fixed bug in [Transcripts](/graphql-api/query/transcripts) query arguments ### 2.0.1 Fixed schema inconsistency in [AudioUpload](/graphql-api/mutation/upload-audio) mutation. Fixed schema inconsistency in [SetUserRole](/graphql-api/mutation/set-user-role) mutation ### 2.0.0 Field `transcript/host_email` has been deprecated. More details in [Transcript](/schema/transcript) # Deprecated Source: https://docs.fireflies.ai/additional-info/deprecated Fields marked for removal ## Overview This page lists all the fields that have been deprecated. Deprecated fields are fields that are no longer recommended for use and may be removed in future versions. Please note that using deprecated fields can lead to compatibility issues in future releases. The following fields have been deprecated: ### [Transcript](/schema/transcript) `host_email`: Use `organizer_email` instead. ### [Transcripts](/graphql-api/query/transcripts) `date`: Use `fromDate` and `toDate` to query a time range. # Advanced Source: https://docs.fireflies.ai/examples/advanced Library of advanced usage examples ## Overview Explore advanced usage examples that build on top of the Fireflies.ai API. This page is regularly updated ### [Find questions from external participants](https://replit.com/@firefliesai/Firefliesai-Find-questions-from-external-participants?v=1) This replit allows you to query questions asked by participants who do not belong to your organization. It can be useful in deriving insights and analysis for client calls, interviews, etc. ### [Fetch meetings from multiple users](https://replit.com/@firefliesai/Firefliesai-Fetch-meetings-for-multiple-users?v=1) This replit allows you to fetch meetings from multiple users by providing it a list of API keys. Please read our privacy policy and terms of usage for more details ## Fireflies.ai Replit Explore the complete list of usage examples at [replit.com/@firefliesai](https://replit.com/@firefliesai) ## Additional Resources Basic usage examples Querying AI App details # Basic Source: https://docs.fireflies.ai/examples/basic Library of basic usage examples ## Overview Explore basic usage examples for the Fireflies.ai API to get you started quickly. These basic usage examples simplify interact with the API through Javascript code. ## Basic examples Basic examples that allow you to perform basic operations with the Fireflies.ai API, like fetching transcripts or setting user role. 1. [Create soundbite from meeting](https://replit.com/@firefliesai/Firefliesai-Create-soundbite-from-a-meeting?v=1) 2. [Set user role](https://replit.com/@firefliesai/Firefliesai-Set-user-role?v=1) 3. [Upload audio](https://replit.com/@firefliesai/Firefliesai-Upload-audio?v=1) 4. [Download meeting video](https://replit.com/@firefliesai/Firefliesai-Download-video-from-meeting?v=1) 5. [Get audio/video url](https://replit.com/@firefliesai/Firefliesai-Get-audiovideo-url?v=1) 6. [Get transcript summary](https://replit.com/@firefliesai/Firefliesai-Get-transcript-summary-from-a-meeting?v=1) ## Fireflies.ai Replit Explore the complete list of usage examples at [replit.com/@firefliesai](https://replit.com/@firefliesai) ## Additional Resources Overview of Fireflies.ai API Examples Advanced usage examples # Overview Source: https://docs.fireflies.ai/examples/overview Library of API usecases ## Overview This part of the documentation is designed to provide developers with practical insights into integrating and maximizing the Fireflies.ai API in various applications. By visiting our Replit page at Fireflies.ai on Replit, you can directly access and interact with these examples, making your learning process interactive and engaging. ## Fireflies.ai Replit Explore a wide array of examples where we have created code snippets that allows you to interact with the Fireflies API. To view, please visit [replit.com/@firefliesai](https://replit.com/@firefliesai) You can also view the list of examples at the links [Basic examples](/examples/basic) and [Advanced examples](/examples/advanced) ## Additional Resources Super Admin with advanced capabilities for querying your data Basic usage examples # Authorization Source: https://docs.fireflies.ai/fundamentals/authorization Authenticating your requests with the Fireflies API ## Overview The Fireflies API implements token-based authentication, which ensures that only authorized users can access certain data and functionalities. ### Token-Based Authentication We use a standard bearer token authentication mechanism. This means that to make authorized requests to the API, you must include an `Authorization` header with a valid token. ### Acquiring a Token Follow these steps to obtain your API key for the Fireflies API: 1. Log in to your account at [fireflies.ai](https://app.fireflies.ai) 2. Navigate to the [Integrations](https://app.fireflies.ai/integrations) section 3. Click on [Fireflies API](https://app.fireflies.ai/integrations/custom/fireflies) 4. Copy and store your API key securely ### Making an Authenticated Request To make an authenticated request, add the `Authorization` header followed by the word `Bearer` and your API key. ### Example of an Authenticated Request Header ```plaintext Authorization: Bearer your_api_key ``` ### Example request with Authorization header ```curl curl curl \ -X POST \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer your_api_key" \ --data '{ "query": "{ user { name integrations } }" }' \ https://api.fireflies.ai/graphql ``` ```javascript javascript const axios = require('axios'); const url = 'https://api.fireflies.ai/graphql'; const headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Authorization: 'Bearer your_api_key' }; const data = { query: '{ user { name integrations } }' }; axios .post(url, data, { headers: headers }) .then(response => { console.log(response.data); }) .catch(error => { console.error('Error:', error); }); ``` ```python python import requests url = 'https://api.fireflies.ai/graphql' headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer your_api_key' } data = { 'query': '{ user { name integrations } }' } response = requests.post(url, json=data, headers=headers) print(response.json()) ``` ```java java import java.net.URI; import java.net.http.HttpClient; import java.net.http.HttpRequest; import java.net.http.HttpResponse; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; public class ApiRequest { public static void main(String[] args) { HttpClient client = HttpClient.newHttpClient(); String url = "https://api.fireflies.ai/graphql"; String json = "{\"query\":\"{ user { name integrations } }\"}"; HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder() .uri(URI.create(url)) .header("Content-Type", "application/json") .header("Authorization", "Bearer your_api_key") .POST(HttpRequest.BodyPublishers.ofString(json, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) .build(); client.sendAsync(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString()) .thenApply(HttpResponse::body) .thenAccept(System.out::println) .join(); } } ``` Ensure to replace `your_api_key` with your actual API key. ## Best Practices for Token Security * **Keep it Secret:** Treat your API key like a password. Never expose it in client-side code or share it publicly. * **Store Securely:** Store the API key securely in your application, ideally in environment variables or secure storage solutions. Improper handling of API keys can lead to security vulnerabilities. Always ensure API keys are used and stored securely. ## Troubleshooting * **Invalid key:** If you receive an error regarding an invalid API key, verify that the API key hasn't expired and that it's correctly included in the request header. * **Missing key:** Ensure that the `Authorization` header is present in your requests requiring authentication. If you encounter issues with authentication or have questions about API key management, please contact our support team. ## Additional Resources Error standards for the Fireflies API Query generation and API exploration. # General concepts Source: https://docs.fireflies.ai/fundamentals/concepts Foundational guide to the core aspects of the Fireflies API ## Overview This section serves as a primer on the essential features of the Fireflies API. It covers the requirements to make authenticated requests to the Fireflies API, key GraphQL concepts and a breakdown of core components like queries, mutations, schema and data types. ### Host The Fireflies API is hosted at [https://api.fireflies.ai](https://api.fireflies.ai) ### Authorization The Fireflies API requires a valid API key for all requests. Please see [Authorization](/fundamentals/authorization) for more information ## GraphQL API Concepts Welcome to our GraphQL API! GraphQL is a powerful query language designed for APIs, offering clients the ability to request exactly what they need and nothing more. ### Queries Queries are used to fetch data in GraphQL. They are akin to the `GET` request in REST. A basic query might look like this: Queries are read-only and won’t modify your data. ```graphql graphql query { user(id: "1") { name email } } ``` ### Mutations Mutations allow you to modify data – create, update, or delete. Mutations should be used with caution as they change server-side data. ```graphql graphql mutation { setUserRole(user_id: "1", role: "user") { id name } } ``` ## Schema and Types ### Schema Definition The schema defines the API's capabilities, including types, queries, mutations, and more.

Understanding GraphQL Schema

The schema is a contract between client and server, defining how clients can access data.

#### Data Types **Standard Types:** Int, Float, String, Boolean, ID. **Custom Types:** Defining complex data structures. Custom types are user-defined and can include combinations of standard types. #### Best Practices 1. Optimize query performance by requesting for only necessary data. 2. Use variables in queries to enhance readability and flexibility ## Additional Resources For more in-depth information, visit [GraphQL Documentation](https://graphql.org/learn/). Enhance your AI coding experience with LLM readable documentation File size and API rate limits for the Fireflies API # Errors Source: https://docs.fireflies.ai/fundamentals/errors Error standards for the Fireflies API ## Overview Understanding how errors are structured and returned by the Fireflies API is key to effectively handling and troubleshooting issues. This page outlines the common error format and details specific error types. ## Error schema Our GraphQL API follows a standard format for returning errors. Errors are encapsulated within an `errors` array in the response body. Please visit [Error codes](/miscellaneous/error-codes) to view explanations for error code types Description of the error Error code. `friendly === true` are safe to show to the frontend client. Unfriendly errors may have technical details that may not be useful to the UI layer. Contains useful metadata related to the error ```json Example { "data": {}, "errors": [ { "message": "Error description", "friendly": true, "code": "error_code", "extensions": { "code": "error_code", "status": http_status_code, ... otherFields } } ] } ``` ## Additional Resources File size and API rate limits for the Fireflies API Authenticating your requests with the Fireflies API # Introspection Source: https://docs.fireflies.ai/fundamentals/introspection Query generation and API exploration. ## Overview Introspection is a feature that allows querying a GraphQL server to discover its schema. This capability is crucial for developers to understand available queries, mutations, and the structure of the data they can work with, facilitating seamless API interaction and exploration. ### Requirements You will need a Fireflies.ai API key to use introspection. For more details, please visit [Authorization](/fundamentals/authorization#acquiring-a-token) ### Introspection using Apollo Sandbox For introspection using our builtin Apollo Sandbox, visit [api.fireflies.ai/graphql](https://api.fireflies.ai/graphql) and enter your `api_key` in the Headers section as a Bearer token ### Introspection using Postman Create a new Graphql Request in Postman with the url [api.fireflies.ai/graphql](https://api.fireflies.ai/graphql) and enter your `api_key` in the Headers section as a Bearer token ## Additional Resources Authenticating your requests with the Fireflies API Super Admin with advanced capabilities for querying your data # Limits Source: https://docs.fireflies.ai/fundamentals/limits File size and API rate limits for the Fireflies API ## Overview Understanding the limitations of our API is crucial for efficient and uninterrupted usage. Below you'll find detailed information about the upload limits for different file types and the rate limits applicable to various subscription plans. ## Upload Limits The Fireflies API accommodates a range of file sizes for different user types. Here's a breakdown of the maximum file sizes for audio and video uploads: | Upload Type | Free User Limit | Pro / Business / Enterprise Limit | | ----------- | --------------- | --------------------------------- | | Audio Files | Up to 200MB | Up to 200MB | | Video Files | Up to 100MB | Up to 1.5GB | ### Understanding Upload Limits * **Audio Files:** All users can upload an audio file no greater than 200MB, ensuring ample capacity for high-quality audio content. * **Video Files for Free Users:** Free users have a maximum upload limit of 100MB for video files, suitable for short clips and previews. * **Video Files for Pro/Business/Enterprise Users:** Higher-tier users can upload larger video files up to 1.5GB, accommodating longer and higher resolution content. ## API Rate Limits To maintain the quality of service and availability for all users, our API enforces rate limits based on the type of subscription plan. | Plan | API Rate Limit | | --------------------- | ------------------- | | Free / Pro | 50 requests per day | | Business / Enterprise | 60 requests per min | ### Add to Live API Rate Limit The Add to Live API has a rate limit of 3 requests per 20 minutes. ### Navigating API Rate Limits * **Free and Pro Plans:** These plans are ideal for light to moderate usage, with a cap of 50 API requests per day. This rate is suitable for testing and small-scale applications. * **Business and Enterprise Plans:** Designed for more demanding use cases, these plans allow up to 60 requests per minute, providing ample capacity for larger applications and higher volume demands. These limits are in place to ensure optimal performance and fair usage across our platform. ## Additional Resources Foundational guide to the core aspects of the Fireflies API Error standards for the Fireflies API # Super Admin Source: https://docs.fireflies.ai/fundamentals/super-admin Fireflies Super Admin with advanced capabilities for querying your data ## Overview The Super Admin API offers advanced features such as team-wide webhooks and privacy setting bypass, providing enhanced control and flexibility for managing your data. This is only available on the enterprise tier for company admins - [learn more](https://guide.fireflies.ai/hc/en-us/articles/30453010621585-Learn-about-the-Super-Admin-role). ## Super Admin Webhooks The Super Admin webhook notifies you of all team meetings owned by your team, allowing you to automate workflows, integrate with other tools, and maintain an overview of your team's meetings with a single webhook. ### Setting up Super Admin Webhooks Follow the steps below to set up the Super Admin webhook: Visit the [Fireflies.ai dashboard settings](https://app.fireflies.ai/settings) Navigate to the Developer settings tab Enter a valid https URL in the webhooks field and save It is highly suggested to use [webhook auth](/graphql-api/webhooks) to secure your servers. ### Privacy Settings Bypass The Super Admin functionality allows you to bypass your team's privacy settings, allowing you to query all data in your team's account. ### Requirements Super Admin API is only available to teams on the Enterprise plan. [Learn more here](https://guide.fireflies.ai/hc/en-us/articles/30453010621585-Learn-about-the-Super-Admin-role) and reach out to us with questions ## Additional Resources Introspection for the Fireflies API Overview of Fireflies.ai API Examples # Chat with Fireflies AI Assistant Source: https://docs.fireflies.ai/getting-started/ask-docs Navigate Fireflies.ai Documentation using the AI Assistant ## Overview Welcome to the Fireflies.ai Documentation, your essential guide to unlocking the full potential of our API. We understand that diving into a new API can be daunting, and finding the specific information you need shouldn't add to that challenge. That's why we've designed our documentation to be both comprehensive and user-friendly, ensuring you get the answers you need without the hassle. ## Explore with Fireflies AI Assistant With our AI assistant, navigating the documentation becomes as intuitive as having a conversation. Whether you're looking for detailed API endpoints, integration guides, or troubleshooting tips, our integrated AI assistant is here to assist you every step of the way. ### How to Use Fireflies AI Assistant Getting started is simple: 1. **Access the Search Bar:** Click on the search bar at the top of the page, or use the shortcut `CMD + K` (for Mac users) or `Ctrl + K` (for Windows and Linux users) to jump straight to it. 2. **Ask Your Question:** Type in your question just as you would when talking to ChatGPT. Whether it's a broad query about API capabilities or a specific request for code examples, the AI Assistant is ready to provide you with precise answers. Foundational guide to the core aspects of the Fireflies API Join the Developer Program to build integrations with Fireflies.ai # Join the Developer Program Source: https://docs.fireflies.ai/getting-started/developer-program Join the Developer Program to build integrations with Fireflies.ai ## Overview Welcome to the Fireflies.ai Developer Program! This exclusive program offers developers a chance to explore, test, and integrate with our APIs for a limited period of three months. This program is tailored for developers eager to create seamless integrations and unlock the full capabilities of Fireflies.ai. Participants will gain access to premium features and higher rate limits, ensuring a swift and successful project development. ## Program Benefits As a member of the Fireflies.ai Developer Program, you’ll enjoy: * **Full Business Tier Access**: Complimentary access to all Business Tier features, tools, and resources * **Integration Support**: Get guidance on how to connect the API seamlessly with your application * **Enhanced API Access**: Enjoy expanded rate limits and access to premium features designed for high-demand integrations * **Community and Updates**: Be part of our developer community and receive the latest updates, tutorials, and API news ## How to Apply Interested in joining? Follow these simple steps to apply for the program: 1. **Fill Out the Application Form**: [Apply here](https://fireflies-developer.paperform.co) 2. **Verification**: Once you submit the form, our team will review your application. Please note that this process is manual and may take a few business days 3. **Approval Notification**: If your application is approved, you’ll receive a confirmation email with details about your program access ## Application Requirements To qualify for the Developer Program, please ensure you have: * **A clear project plan**: Briefly describe how Fireflies.ai will integrate with your application * **A company email**: A company email is preferred for verification purposes * **GitHub Repository**: Optionally, include a GitHub link to your code or previous work to help us understand your technical expertise * **Additional Comments**: Any additional information that can help us assess your project’s alignment with our platform goals ## Program Terms * **Duration**: The complimentary Business Tier access lasts for three months from the date of approval * **Feedback**: We may reach out for feedback to better understand your experience and how we can enhance our API We look forward to seeing what you’ll build and are excited to support your development journey! ## Additional Resources Navigate Fireflies.ai Documentation using the AI Assistant Enhance your AI coding experience with LLM readable documentation # Introduction Source: https://docs.fireflies.ai/getting-started/introduction Welcome to Fireflies public API documentation. We are actively working to expose more functionality via our API. If you have specific requests, please [reach out to us](https://guide.fireflies.ai/hc/en-us/requests/new). # Introduction ## Overview of the API The Fireflies API is built on top of GraphQL, a powerful interface designed to provide you with efficient and flexible access to your data. This API allows you to retrieve exactly the data you need in a structured format. Whether you are building a web application, a mobile app, or a complex software system, our API caters to a wide range of data requirements. Our API covers various functionalities, including queries for fetching data as well as uploading meeting audio. It is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, ensuring that you can start fetching and manipulating data with minimal setup. ## Advantages of Using GraphQL **1. Precise Data Fetching:** One of the key strengths of GraphQL is its ability to return exactly what you request and nothing more. This precision eliminates the over-fetching of data, common in traditional REST APIs, leading to more efficient network utilization and faster response times. **2. Single Endpoint:** Unlike REST APIs, which often require multiple endpoints for different data needs, GraphQL operates through a single endpoint. This simplification streamlines interactions with the API and makes maintaining and managing the API more straightforward. **3. Flexibility and Scalability:** GraphQL APIs are incredibly flexible, allowing for queries that can evolve with your needs. This flexibility, combined with efficient data retrieval, makes GraphQL an ideal choice for both small projects and large-scale applications. In the following sections, we will guide you through the essential components of our API, provide detailed examples, and offer best practices to help you make the most of our API. Whether you're a new user or an experienced developer, this documentation is designed to assist you in seamlessly integrating the API into your applications. ## Additional Resources Foundational guide to the core aspects of the Fireflies API # LLM-based Development Source: https://docs.fireflies.ai/getting-started/llm-development Enhance your AI coding experience with LLM readable documentation. ### Overview Welcome to the guide on utilizing our specialized `llms.txt` files to enhance your LLM-based coding workflow. Whether you’re using Replit, Cursor, Devin, or any other AI coding tool, this page will assist you in leveraging our resources to debug and refine code generated by Fireflies. Our platform seamlessly integrates with a variety of AI coding tools. While the generated code may not always be perfect, this guide outlines how to effectively use our `llms.txt` files to improve the debugging process, ensuring your development workflow remains smooth and efficient. ### How to Use `llms.txt` Files #### For Tools with Limited Agentic Capabilities If your coding tool does not support web querying or autonomous resource fetching: * **Download the File**\ Access the complete file by visiting [this link](https://docs.fireflies.ai/llms-full.txt) and download it to your local machine. * **Upload and Debug**\ Upload the downloaded file to your AI coding tool. Instruct your tool to analyze and debug the code using the content of this file. This manual intervention guides the tool in identifying and fixing errors in generated code. #### For Advanced, Agentic Coding Tools If your coding tool is sophisticated and capable of querying the web independently: * **Provide the URL Directly**\ Instead of downloading the full file, supply your tool with the URL [https://docs.fireflies.ai/llms-full.txt](https://docs.fireflies.ai/llms-full.txt). * **Let It Decide**\ Your advanced tool will automatically determine which parts of the file to use and where to look, streamlining the debugging process without additional manual steps. ### Additional Tips * **Tool Configuration:** Ensure that your AI coding tool is configured to handle file uploads or URL-based inputs effectively. * **Experiment and Adapt:** Different tools may interact with our resources in unique ways. Experiment with both methods to find the approach that best suits your workflow. * **Support and Documentation:** If you encounter any challenges or need further assistance, please contact our support team. Happy coding! ## Additional Resources Join the Developer Program to build integrations with Fireflies.ai Foundational guide to the core aspects of the Fireflies API # Quickstart Source: https://docs.fireflies.ai/getting-started/quickstart Make your first request in under 5 minutes. This guide provides step-by-step instructions to make your first query with our GraphQL API and demonstrates basic functionality. ## Step 1: Setting Up Before diving into querying the API, it's essential to set up your environment correctly. This includes obtaining authentication credentials and configuring your development environment. ### Obtaining Authentication Credentials To access our API, you will need an API key. Follow these steps to obtain your key: 1. Log in to your account at [app.fireflies.ai](https://app.fireflies.ai) 2. Navigate to the [Integrations](https://app.fireflies.ai/integrations) section 3. Click on [Fireflies API](https://app.fireflies.ai/integrations/custom/fireflies) 4. Copy and store your API key securely It's crucial to handle your API key with the utmost care to ensure the security of your data. For more information on Authorization and best practices, visit [Authorization](/fundamentals/authorization) ## Step 2: Making Your First Request Execute a simple query to retrieve a list of users. Replace `your_api_key` with your API key in the following requests ```bash curl curl \ -X POST \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer your_api_key" \ --data '{ "query": "{ users { name user_id } }" }' \ https://api.fireflies.ai/graphql ``` ```python python import requests url = 'https://api.fireflies.ai/graphql' headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer your_api_key' } data = { 'query': '{ users { name user_id } }' } response = requests.post(url, json=data, headers=headers) print(response.json()) ``` ```javascript javascript const axios = require('axios'); const url = 'https://api.fireflies.ai/graphql'; const headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Authorization: 'Bearer your_api_key' }; const data = { query: '{ users { name user_id } }' }; axios .post(url, data, { headers: headers }) .then(response => { console.log(response.data); }) .catch(error => { console.error('Error:', error); }); ``` ```java java import java.net.URI; import java.net.http.HttpClient; import java.net.http.HttpRequest; import java.net.http.HttpResponse; import java.net.http.HttpHeaders; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; public class ApiRequest { public static void main(String[] args) { HttpClient client = HttpClient.newHttpClient(); String url = "https://api.fireflies.ai/graphql"; String json = "{\"query\":\"{ users { name user_id } }\"}"; HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder() .uri(URI.create(url)) .header("Content-Type", "application/json") .header("Authorization", "Bearer your_api_key") .POST(HttpRequest.BodyPublishers.ofString(json, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) .build(); client.sendAsync(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString()) .thenApply(HttpResponse::body) .thenAccept(System.out::println) .join(); } } ```
When building GraphQL queries for this API, focus on precision and efficiency. Start with simple queries and gradually increase complexity. Ensure you only request the data you need to avoid over-fetching. * **Review the Schema Documentation**: For guidance, refer to the [Schema](/schema) section and use tools like GraphQL Playground for testing. Efficient queries lead to better performance and a smoother API experience. More details on building your GraphQL query are available [here](/graphql-api) ## Step 3: Analyzing the Response You will receive a JSON response with the requested data. Example response: ```bash curl { "data": { "users": [ { "name":"Justin Fly", "user_id":"example-id" } ] } } ``` Continue to the next sections for more detailed examples and advanced usage instructions.