
This section serves as a primer on the essential features of the Fireflies API. It covers the requirements to make authenticated requests to the Fireflies API, key GraphQL concepts and a breakdown of core components like queries, mutations, schema and data types.


The Fireflies API is hosted at https://api.fireflies.ai


The Fireflies API requires a valid API key for all requests. Please see Authorization for more information

GraphQL API Concepts

Welcome to our GraphQL API! GraphQL is a powerful query language designed for APIs, offering clients the ability to request exactly what they need and nothing more.


Queries are used to fetch data in GraphQL. They are akin to the GET request in REST. A basic query might look like this:

Queries are read-only and won’t modify your data.
query {
  user(id: "1") {


Mutations allow you to modify data – create, update, or delete.

Mutations should be used with caution as they change server-side data.
mutation {
  setUserRole(user_id: "1", role: "user") {

Schema and Types

Schema Definition

The schema defines the API’s capabilities, including types, queries, mutations, and more.

Understanding GraphQL Schema

The schema is a contract between client and server, defining how clients can access data.

Data Types

Standard Types: Int, Float, String, Boolean, ID.

Custom Types: Defining complex data structures. Custom types are user-defined and can include combinations of standard types.

Best Practices

  1. Optimize query performance by requesting for only necessary data.
  2. Use variables in queries to enhance readability and flexibility

Additional Resources

For more in-depth information, visit GraphQL Documentation.